Monday, January 5, 2009

Software work around.

I have overcome a lot of my software issues. The first was to follow some advice from Greg Coan and not rely so much on the automatic updater from Apple for the operating system and instead download the updates from Apple directly. The other was to use the Adobe dng converter to convert my Lumix raw files to a dng format. Its not such a smooth workflow, you first import all the images off Adobe Bridge, then, run them thru the converter. I tried to do the dng converstion directly from the Bridge importer, but it kept stalling during import.

A lot of this will be solved when I upgrade to CS4, makes me wonder if software issues ever go away.

Todays self portrait is taken in my digital den, this time of year, with the weather as unpleasant as it is, is where I'm spending most of my time. There or the studio at the school house. 

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